Moving In/Out

  • Prior to moving to the Savoy every new resident must read and sign a Tenant Interview Form in acknowledgement of the Savoy Rules and Regulations and the acceptance of those rules.

    The form shall be submitted to Bright & Duggan to be kept in the Company records.

    Form can be viewed following this link.

  • Future Tenants and Residents need to request an interview with the Board of Directors. This can be organised by our Managing Agents Bright & Duggan

  • Please be mindful that the lift is fragile and requires protection when furnture and large items are being transported. Please contact the Board to advise of date of move so that the curtain can be installed ahead of time.

Renovation Policy

  • The Board is currently reviewing a Renovation Policy for building works.

    The purpose of the Renovation Policy is to ensure renovations are carried out in harmony with the building’s character, compliance with applicable Australian Standards, National Construction Codes and other relevant regulation whilst protecting the building, its shareholders and its common areas from damages caused by renovation works.

    Well executed work and well-maintained units reflect favorably on the overall perception of our building and its value in part and as a whole. Applicants and Board should keep this in mind when preparing and assessing renovation applications.

    The policy will be available on the website in due course.

  • Each Renovation is to be categorised in only one of the categories listed below.

    Cosmetic Works

    Cosmetic Works do not need approval, however, do require the Board and fellow residents who could potentially be affected by the works to be notified.

    The Board will organise protective curtains in the lift to avoid it being damaged if necessary. Please notify the Board of the work’s intended start and end dates, unforeseen extensions and as soon as works have been completed.

    Please provide a minimum of 14 days from notification until the scheduled start of works.

    Minor Works


    A bond is required to ensure work is carried out satisfactorily and any accidental damages to the building and common property will be rectified.

    Major Works


    A bond is required to ensure work is carried out satisfactorily and any accidental damages to the building and common property will be rectified.

    Until the new Renovatio Policy is finalised and approved please use the Request Form available using the link.

  • Prior to commencement of the works a bond may be required to ensure work is carried out satisfactorily and any accidental damages to the building and common property will be rectified.

    The bond shall be returned to the applicant after the Board has inspected and approved completed works and rectifications, if any.